Improving public involvement and engagement

PRIME Centre Wales aims to ensure the research it supports is relevant to patients and the public, reflecting their experiences, priorities and opinions. We therefore actively involve lay members through all aspects of our work from priority setting, idea and question formulation, grant application, study conduct, analysis, dissemination and impact planning.

Involving lay members in research development

Each research application is usually supported by a research development group which involves two lay members. Within the bid timescales, we ensure their views are sought and incorporated into submitted proposals. The lay members are usually co-applicants on bids. Topics have included: decision support and cancer care in care homes; views on lung cancer and bowel cancer; improving prehospital care of patients with urgent conditions; infection management; improving delivery of primary and emergency care.

For example, two lay members attended all meetings to prepare the “GPs in Emergency Departments” funding application to NIHR (HS&DR, April 2016) and were named co-applicants. They wrote the lay summary, advised on public involvement in the proposed study and made detailed comments on the research methods. Involvement in study meetings throughout the project is fully costed.  PRIME supports identification of lay members to research development groups and funded studies. All involvement follows best practice guidelines to ensure accessibility and avoid tokenism.

What is research?

Watch Health and Care Research Wales' video on how research is keeping you extraordinary.

Research is helping to keep us extraordinary.

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Why get involved in research?

Public involvement in research