Organisational Structure

  • Operational Working Group - meets monthly and is comprised of Centre Directors, Work Package Leads and core-funded staff. The group ensures effective cross-university collaboration of the team towards achieving the goals of PRIME. 

  • All-Wales Steering Committee - Advises on policy and practice developments across Wales; Steer on direction, scope, pace, implementation and impact; Wales-wide stakeholders – other research Institutes, e.g. Welsh Institute for Health & Social Care, other academic perspectives (e.g. social policy, social care, learning disabilities), third sector (e.g. British Lung Foundation), PPI contributors, Welsh Government /NHS Wales /Industry. Meets once per year.

  • International Advisory Board - Independent advice, critical comment, international context; International experts in primary, unscheduled care research (collaborators from England, Belgium, Sweden, Canada, from primary care, public health, dental, community nursing, emergency care disciplines, and PPI contributors with international experience). Meets once per year.

  • SUPER Group - Considers overall direction, patient and public priorities; Theme and project-specific proposals. 15-20 individuals recruited from Wales members of the public / general population. Meets 4 times per year.