
Preliminary Exploration of paramedic Roles in Care Homes (PERCH)


Mark Kingston: m.r.kingston@swansea.ac.uk

Principal / Lead Investigator

Leigh Keen, Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust (WAST)


Mark Kingston, Jenna Bulger, Helen Snooks, Tim Driscoll, Grayham McLean, Anjula Mehta, Stephanie Watts, Mari James, Lesley Griffiths

Type of study

Research Development


The proportion of older adults living in care homes is increasing and likely to rise as the population ages. General practices have a duty to deliver primary care for care home residents, but many struggle due to high demand and a shortage of GPs. Meanwhile, ambulance services are seeing an increase in the number of 999 calls from care homes.

In addressing these issues, one potential solution is to introduce non-GP staff to provide additional support to care home residents and staff. The PERCH study team are exploring whether paramedics could provide such a role. We are linking with sites that have introduced paramedics and others that intend to, to help identify important research questions. It is hoped that the PERCH study will result in a grant application to evaluate the role of paramedics providing primary (non-emergency) care in care homes.

Public & patient involvement

The PERCH research development team includes public members who are actively involved in planning and shaping the work.

Who is the study sponsor?

Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust (WAST)

How could this research potentially benefit patients?

By improving primary care support to residents, through more regular visits and assessments. In turn this may improve quality of care, and reduce emergency incidents.  


Health and Care Research Wales RfPPB

Total grant value


Start date


End date


Further information 

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Outputs generated (Reports / Publications / Impact)

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