
DJiP - Diagnostic journeys in prostate cancer   

Chief Investigators

Prof Clare Wilkinson (Bangor University)


Tania Steele (NWCPCR, Bangor University)

Type of study / research design

Survey, interview, qualitative analysis.


This project aims is to describe, in detail, the ways in which men with prostate cancer are diagnosed from their first experience of symptoms or blood testing, and to identify all the factors and influences that contribute to this diagnostic journey.

We will do this by recruiting newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients and undertake a detailed survey with them. We will also do similar surveys with their GPs and their urologists. Using the information gained in these surveys, we will design an interview study with prostate cancer patients and their GPs.

Pulling all this information together, we will identify best practice recommendations in the identification of men with symptoms for testing to ensure effective diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Please describe how the public / patients were involved in the development of the study design, and how they will be involved in the funded study?

We are seeking PPI representation from Involving People in order to comment on the final protocol, and comment on all the patient-facing material.

How could this research potentially benefit patients?

This project aims to inform best practice in order to ensure effective prostate cancer diagnosis.

Who is the study sponsor?

Bangor University

UKCRN portfolio number



Cancer Research Wales 

Total grant value

£ 158,000

Grant income to Wales

£ 158,000

Start date


End date


Further information

Project profile on Bangor University website: https://www.bangor.ac.uk/nwcpcr/documents/djipwebsitetemplate_000.pdf

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