WP7: Screening, prevention and early diagnosis

Cancer was the leading cause of years of life lost in Wales in 2016. Around four in ten cancers are potentially preventable, and there is a strong social gradient in the determinants of health in Wales. Socio-economic disadvantage, age, and gender are major influences on cancer outcomes in Wales.

Screening, prevention, and early diagnosis focuses on significant public health problems and inequalities in Wales, continuing strong work in cancer and addressing other priority health areas.

We involve patients and members of the public in developing, evaluating and implementing novel, person-centred interventions designed to improve screening, prevention and early diagnosis.

Core activities

  • Building research capacity by developing and delivering high quality, multidisciplinary screening, prevention and early diagnosis research funding proposals.
  • Cultivating strong academic-community partnerships by involving local stakeholders in co-production of research proposals, conduct and dissemination activities.
  • Conducting research that is underpinned by behavioural science, sociological theory and a ‘whole person’ approach to ensuring that ground breaking biomedical research is translated into public and patient benefit.


  • Kate Brain, Professor of Health Psychology, and Research Lead for Cancer Screening, Prevention and Early Diagnosis, Cardiff University

  • Clare Wilkinson, Professor of General Practice, Bangor University; Chair, NIHR HTA Primary Care, Community and Preventive Interventions Panel

Research projects

Please visit the 'Research Portfolio' page and select WP7 from the drop-down list.


Please visit the 'Publications' page and select WP7 from the drop-down list.


Screening, Prevention and Early Diagnosis: http://www.walescanet.wales.nhs.uk/sitesplus/documents/1113/3%20-%20Dr%20Kate%20Brain.pdf