SAIL Project Scoping Support for PRIME Centre Wales

PRIME Centre Wales has a provision of support in place with SAIL (Secure Anonymised Information Linkage) databank at Swansea University.

The primary work is to support PRIME researchers in developing grant proposals and disseminating completed research using linked data in SAIL.  This work can involve:

  • Answering questions about the data.
  • Checking feasibility, sample sizes, etc.
  • Contributing text about SAIL and SAIL data for bids or papers.
  • Possibly collaborating on a proposal as a co-applicant, or as a co-author on papers where both SAIL and the PRIME researcher agree this would be beneficial.

The Swansea PRIME team and SAIL have developed the attached template to capture information from researchers about potential projects or requirements.

PRIME Centre Wales Research Officer, Dr Ashra Khanom is the PRIME lead for facilitating requests for SAIL support.

To request support, please complete the attached template and send it to Ashra at: